
Share "Shoes for Migrant Kids" Campaign

Update on Our Go Fund Me

Are we done yet?  Absolutely not!  Thanks to the generosity of our donors, at the end of June Newcomer’s Access Center (NAC) made our first delivery to the Pomona Fairplex shelter—274 pairs of shoes and more than a thousand pairs of socks. This is a fantastic start and we are about half way to our goal of raising $15,000 for unaccompanied migrant children. But the need is still great. We are are asking your help to spread the word about our Shoes for Migrant Kids Campaign before our campaign ends in September.

The shelters at the convention centers in Long Beach and San Diego closed at the end of July, but the shelter at the Fairplex in Pomona is still open and now houses about 700 children aged 5-17. These kids are cared for temporarily and are usually united with relatives or sponsors within two weeks. As they leave, however, more children are brought from detention centers near the border. Most young migrants come from Central America with little beyond the clothes on their back and the worn-out shoes on their feet. About 55% are boys and 45% girls. 

The reasons the children made this harrowing journey may vary, but many were fleeing violence, civil unrest, and poverty. Challenges await: learning a new language, adapting to a new culture, and attending a new school, all while while missing family and friends.  

Just $30 buys a pair of shoes and five pairs of socks. For these kids, this gift is so much more than just footwear that fits. It symbolizes dignity and caring, and it boosts self confidence. We appreciate all our donors who recognize this truth. Please share the link to our campaign on social media so that we can reach our goal. This small act can make a huge difference because many of our donors have been people who learned about us from links posted by friends. The last day to make a donation is September 30, 2021, so please get the word out soon. On behalf of Newcomers Access Center and our partner, Shoes That Fit, thank you for caring and for sharing. 

painting of migrant kid with shoes