Citizenship Workshop Nov 3
We are offering our next Citizenship Application Workshop on Wed Nov. 3. 2021. Appointments are required. NAC partnered with the Immigration Resource Center of San Gabriel Valley (IRSGV) to offer these workshops. Certified experts from IRSVG come to our office in Claremont to meet with clients applying for citizenship. Each appointment lasts about 45 minutes and gives the expert time to review paperwork and make sure the application is filled out completely and accurately. Thank you to IRSVG for coming out to help our families! We appreciate your help in making the dream of US citizenship come true.
To make an appointment, please email us and let us know you are interested. We will contact you with possible appointment times.
Once you have made an appointment, you will need to download the following worksheets and fill them out before your appointment. Bring the worksheets and related documents to your appointment.
![citizenship workshop flier](