You can make a difference in the lives of refugees and immigrants by supporting Newcomers Access Center (NAC). Your donations provide basic needs such as rent subsidies, furniture, driving lessons, household items, new shoes, groceries, baby items, diapers, car seats, gift cards, down payment for a car or van – some of the things refugees and immigrants need to get settled and become independent. Thank you for your generous support!
Make a Financial Contribution
Ways to give include:
- Zeffy is a simple and secure donation platform with no fees. 100% of your donation can go directly to NAC if you choose to do so. You can opt out of donation to Zeffy to pay no fees.
- Make checks payable to Newcomers Access Center and mail to: Newcomers Access Center, 233 Harrison Ave., Suite B5, Claremont, CA 91711
- Zelle (no fees) – click button below
- Venmo (no fees) – click button below
- PayPal – click button below
- Credit card payments made monthly, quarterly, annually or one time by using the payment options below.
- Bank draft directly from your bank monthly, quarterly or annually. Ask your bank how to set this up.
- Transfer of Securities (such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds): Call your broker or call NAC about how to set this up.
- IRA accounts: Transfers of Required Minimum Distributions from IRA accounts may reduce your tax liability if you are age eligible. Ask your broker about how to transfer funds directly from an IRA to NAC. Or, contact NAC for help.
- Life Insurance or Real Estate gifts (partial gifts welcomed).
- In a Will or Trust, name NAC as a beneficiary.
- Motor Vehicle donations: Give your old car, truck, boat, motorcycle or RV.
Thank you very much for your generous gifts.
Newcomers Access Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The IRS and the state of CA confirm that all donations are fully tax deductible to the extent as permitted by law. Thank you. 100% of your donation can go directly to NAC if you choose to do so.