Our Services
Services offered by Newcomers Access Center are unique – based upon the needs of those served. We help those in the Inland Valley area of Southern California. If you think we may be able to help you, please fill out our Assistance Request Form.
All information about clients is kept fully confidential.
Every immigrant, refugee or asylum seeker (individuals and families) has an Intake Interview to identify their needs.
Services are identified to align each person or family with the appropriate services and people to support their needs.
A staff person or volunteer connects clients with appropriate person(s) or organizations that best fit their requirements. These could include, for example, Dept. of Social Services, Medical coverage, transportation, school issues, English language classes, employment opportunities, legal concerns, and more.
NAC keeps a database of providers, services and organizations that support the needs of immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and detainees.
NAC conducts ongoing follow up with clients about how connections to services and resources assisted them toward becoming self-sufficient.
The mission of the center was later expanded to include immigrant families. NAC empowers refugees and immigrant families in Southern California to become independent.
Newcomers Access Center (NAC) is certified as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. NAC centralizes volunteer efforts, administrative tasks, and works with professional staff to better serve clients. The Center is available to donors, staff, volunteers, clients and for events.