
NAC received the following letter from Nadera Ayubi as her family prepared to move from NAC temporary housing into their first apartment near family in the US. She asked that it be published on our website.
Dear NAC:
Thanks for the NAC and their families for helping my family to continue independent our life. We were in Claremont for 3 months. I saw your hard work for us and other immigrant families who have left their country for various reasons and came here. You work day and night so that we can calm down and start life here as well. Next week we will move from this temporary house to the house where we are going to live for a long time.
Every day how hard you work so that we can learn everything here (in American life) to continue our life independent. My husband and I learned what is the best way to find a great job. My children learned how to continue their education in an American school. We have no language problem with using language classes in NAC. My husband now knows all the traffic jams in America and he can drive on American roads because the NAC prepared behind-the-wheel-training for him.
Yes, my family and other immigrant families have given material and spiritual support, and all your efforts have helped us to know American cultures very soon. I would like to say to all those who really want to serve the immigrants by volunteering: Stand by the NAC and strengthen this office to provide more care for war-torn families who have fled their homes as migratory birds.
We love you NAC, Nadera Ayubi